VMware vSAN: Troubleshooting Workshop [V6.x]

In this two-day course, you will focus on learning the tools and skills necessary to troubleshoot VMware vSAN™ 6.6 implementations. You will gain practical experience with vSAN troubleshooting concepts through the completion of instructor-led activities and hands-on challenge lab exercises.

Product Alignment

– ESXi 6.5

– vCenter Server 6.5

– vSAN 6


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

Describe the software components
Understand how the components relate to each other
Understand vSAN object placement
Understand the differences between object states
Explain how storage policies affect object states
Predict how specific failures affect object states


Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

10 horas

  • Dificultad 50% 50%
  • Nivel alcanzado 80% 80%

Dirigido a

Conocimientos requeridos


Course Introduction

Introductions and course logistics
Course objectives
vSAN Software Architecture

Describe the different software components
Understand how the components relate to each other.
Understand vSAN object placement
Understand the differences between object states
Explain how storage policies affect object placement and states
Predict how specific failures affect object states
Troubleshooting Methodology

Characterize problems
Determine the cause of problems
Solving problems
Troubleshooting Tools

Understand the use of various troubleshooting tools
Use the tools to resolve problems with the lab environment

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