VMware vCloud Automation Center: Install Configure Manage
This training course focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vCloud® Automation Center™. This course covers the configuration and use of the vCloud Automation Center platform self-service provisioning and creation of on-demand private and multivendor cloud services.

Install and configure vCloud Automation Center 6.0
Deploy Distributed Execution Managers and agents for vCloud Automation Center connectivity
Create endpoints to support compute fabric connectivity
Manage vCloud Automation Center 6.0 entities on VMware®, third-party hardware, and cloud infrastructures
Configure vCloud Automation Center infrastructure services
Configure and manage tenants and blueprints
Configure and manage a service catalog
Configure and manage role-based access control
Request and manage machines using the user portal
Understand and configure vCloud Automation Center workflows
Integrate VMware® vCenter™ Orchestrator™ with vCloud Automation Center
Automate application provisioning with VMware vCloud® Application Director™
Manage and monitor machines and resource reclamation

Cloud computing

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

25 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
Experienced system administrators, cloud administrators, system integrators, and operational developers.

Conocimientos requeridos
VMware vSphere 5.x: Install, Configure, Manage or Equivalent knowledge.
1. Course Introduction
Introductions and course logistics
Course outline
Course goals
Course objectives
2. VMware vCloud Automation Center Architecture and Components
Identify the benefits of the software-defined data center
Explore the architecture for deploying vCloud Automation Center as a cloud management platform for a multivendor hybrid cloud
Identify the components of vCloud Automation Center
Identify vCloud Automation Center design options
Define network ports and protocols required for communication between vCloud Automation Center components
Explain role-based access control
Define the user interface elements of vCloud Automation Center
Explain how vCloud Automation Center integrates with other VMware products
3. Distributed Execution Managers and Agents
Explain the role of Distributed Execution Managers (DEMs) and agents
Define the DEM roles
Explain the types of agents and agent relationships
4. Configuring Infrastructure Services
Define the relationships between vCloud Automation Center entities
Identify and configure vCloud Automation Center endpoints
Demonstrate how vCloud Automation Center discovers compute resources
Define the vCloud Automation Center roles
Create tenants
Create and manage reservations for compute resources
Create and manage blueprints
Manage service catalog items and approval policies
5. Provisioning Machines
Demonstrate navigation and provisioning of new services
Manage self-provisioned machines
6. Monitoring and Reclamation
Identify and verify inactive and abandoned resources
Manage machine leases
Manage machine reclamation
Back up and restore vCloud Automation Center
7. Operational Management
Install and configure VMware® IT Business Management Suite™Standard Edition
Report financial data for a cloud infrastructure
8. Extensibility
Explain extensibility and customization options
Use custom properties
Use build profiles
Use the property dictionary
Use Advanced Service Designer and vCenter Orchestrator
Use plug-ins for external integration
9. Managing Applications
Define the role of vCloud Application Director
Identify the vCloud Application Director infrastructure components and requirements
Deploy and manage vCloud Application Director
Configure application provisioning
Create, manage, and update applications
Manage catalog services
I10. nstallation
Explain the vCloud Automation Center installation prerequisites
Identify the vCloud Automation Center appliances and component installers
Define the vCloud Automation Center installation procedure
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