ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Fundamentals
Many Enterprises leverage a virtualization and multi cloud strategy that includes vendors such as AWS, Azure, Google, IBM and VMware. The numerous benefits of a multi cloud strategy are often offset by complexity, a lack of visibility and an inability to control cost. The ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Platform helps to remove the complexity of multi cloud use, provides visibility and makes it easy for End Users to consume cloud resources.
This 3-day class will teach attendees how to deploy and configure the ServiceNow Cloud Provisioning and Governance Platform to create multi cloud experience that makes it easy for end users to consume resources from AWS, Azure and VMware. The course will also show attendees how to use the Cloud Provisioning and Governance application to apply governance and policies to control the use and consumption of cloud resources.
Upon completion of the course, students will have gained experience in how to setup a Cloud User Portal, how to deploy simple application stacks using native cloud templating technologies and Terraform. The course will also teach students how to control cloud sprawl by using Cloud Provisioning and Governance approval policies, resource profiles and capacity limits.

Connecting CMP to Azure, AWS, and VMware
Configuring Cloud Alerts
Configuring Billing
Creating Compute, OS, and Security Group Profiles.
Cloud Templates. Importing AWS Cloud Formation and Azure ARM Templates
Using Terraform configuration files to deploy VMs in Azure and VMware
The End User Experience
Using Policy to manage and secure the end user experience. Approvals, dynamic templates, and access controls.

Cloud computing

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

15 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
Anyone responsible for Cloud Provisioning and Governance in ServiceNow.

Conocimientos requeridos
Attendees should meet the following prerequisites:
Completion of the ServiceNow Fundamentals course or equivalent experience
Three to six months of experience as a ServiceNow Administrator or ServiceNow Application Designer
Recommended knowledge of:
Windows Server Administration
Linux Server Administration
Azure or AWS Cloud
SNF – ServiceNow Fundamentals
Introduction and the Cloud User Portal
Lab 1.1: Explore Roles
Administration and the Cloud Admin Portal
Lab 2.1: Validate MID Server
Lab 3.1: Configure AWS Credential
Lab 3.2: Configure AWS Cloud and Service Account
Lab 3.3: Configure a Discovery Schedule
Lab 3.4: Test Setup with a CloudFormation Template
Lab 3.5: Configure Cloud Events for AWS
Resource Profiles
Lab 4.1: Configure a Compute Profile
Lab 4.2: Configure OS Profiles
Permissions and Quotas
Lab 5.1: Configuring Identity
Lab 5.2: Permissions
Lab 5.3: Configuring Quotas
Templates and Catalog Items
Lab 7.1: Create an AWS Specific CFT
Lab 7.2: Version a CFT
Lab 7.3: Customize a CFT with Metadata
Lab 8.1: Import a Blueprint
Lab 9.1: VM Naming Standard Policy
Lab 9.2: Approval Policy
Lab 10.1: Configure Azure Credentials
Lab 10.2: Configure the Azure Cloud and Service Account
Lab 10.3: Configure an Azure Discovery Schedule
Lab 10.4: Configure Azure Cloud Alerts
Lab 10.5: Configure an Azure Compute Profile Mapping
Lab 10.6: Configure an Azure OS Profile Mapping
Lab 10.7: Create a Stack using an ARM Template
Lab 10.8: Deploy an Azure VM with Terraform
Lab 11.1: Connect VMware to ServiceNow
Lab 11.2: Create a VMware Compute Profile Mapping
Lab 11.2: Create a VMware OS Profile Mapping
Lab 11.3: Configure the vCenter Event Collector
Lab 11.4: Deploy a VMware VM with Terraform
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