Professional Cloud Administrator

The interaction between a cloud environment and the existing network/administrative policies is one of the most challenging management issues to resolve. This is the domain of cloud administrators. They configure and maintain the cloud platform-and have to understand and master all aspects regarding cloud provisioning. This course enables network, systems, and database administrators to gain the required knowlegde to effectively operate in the cloud, touching upon all the aspects of administering cloud services. The training covers best practices on cloud administration, supported by many vendor technology solutions, covering Open Source and major vendor standards. This is a professional-level course, and relevant to professionals with at least two years of experience as an administrator. The course prepares you for the Professional Cloud Administrator certification (PCA).


After completing this course you should be able to understand:

Cloud Provisioning and Administration
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategies for Cloud
Performance Measures, Monitoring, and Optimization in Production
Cloud Security Fundamentals
Federated Controls and Strategies for Multiple Cloud and Non-Cloud Administration
Administration of Virtual Infrastructure Services
Administration of Virtual Platform Services
Administration of Virtual Software Services

Cloud computing

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

10 horas

  • Dificultad 50% 50%
  • Nivel alcanzado 80% 80%

Dirigido a

Network administrator, systems administrator, database administrator, service desk managers and senior operators.

Conocimientos requeridos

It is recommended that participants have attained the Cloud Technology Associate certification (or its equivalent) from the Cloud Credential Council, and/or that participants are conversant with cloud concepts and vocabulary.


Cloud Provisioning and Administration

Workload analysis concepts and features and their impact on choice of cloud service
Capacity planning in light of a given scenario
Administration issues of migration to the cloud
Cloud Bursting

Application of key cloud bursting concepts
Configuration strategies to anticipate elasticity demands
Cloud Interoperability

Interoperability and portability strategies with appropriate administrative action
Tenant-aware, error-tracking options in a given scenario
Strategic Policy Design For Cloud Usage and Compliance

Capacity management issues in a given scenario
Differences and relative pros and cons of the various SLA, QoS and OLA for cloud environments
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategies for Cloud

Administrative elements of a failover strategy in a XaaS case study
Key administrative actions to maintain the achievement of environment objectives
Performance Measures, Monitoring and Optimization in Production

Key metrics that pertain to cloud and non-cloud environments and their service performance
SLA compliance and gaps in service performance
Improvements from the consumer and provider perspectives and the implications on cloud monitoring and forensics auditing for cloud services

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