MongoDB for .NET Developers
This course is a deep exploration of building applications in MongoDB. There are many benefits to choosing a NoSQL database over traditional RDMBSs such as SQL Server or Oracle.
In this course, you will learn the benefits of using a NoSQL database by exploring the native query language and capabilities of MongoDB. You will work with MongoDB from our .NET applications and look at several topics that explore the advanced aspects of the MongoDB .NET API including MongoDB from .NET, and advanced serialization in .NET, untyped API in .NET via BSON documents. You will learn how to leverage the immense scalability of MongoDB using the aggregation framework, replica sets, and sharding. You will discover how to store and manage files of virtually unlimited size in MongoDB using GridFS. Learn to properly design your entities and documents (both natively and in C#) along with server administration for developers, security, and permissions.
Note: Some of the topics cover in this course are technology agnostic (for example, the native query lesson is equality applicable to .NET developers as well as Python developers) and some are specifically optimized for .NET developers (for example advanced serialization in .NET).

Discover the MongoDB shell and ‘native’ query language and capabilities
Work with MongoDB from .NET and LINQ
Design your classes and entities to take full advantage of MongoDB
Build and tune high performance applications with indexing and profiling
Use the extensive .NET serialization API to go between .NET and MongoDB
Work with the file system (GridFS) within MongoDB from .NET
Answer complex questions while leveraging MongoDB’s scalability using the aggregation framework
Learn enough to administration MongoDB servers to be productive
Scale out using sharding and replica sets
Add security and permissions to MongoDB

Software Development

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

20 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
Developers who want to build applications in .NET which use MongoDB as a backend database for their applications

Conocimientos requeridos
Experience with C# and .NET
Why NoSQL and Why MongoDB?
The Shell and Native Commands
MongoDB from .NET
Entity Design
Indexing and Profiling
Advanced C# Serialization
Working Directly with Documents in C#
Aggregation Framework
Server Administration for Developers
Security and Permissions
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