Getting Started with Git
This is a self-paced GK Digital Learning product. GK Digital learning products are created by world-class production and instructional design teams to deliver an experience that feels more like a classroom than traditional e-learning with hands-on activities for real-world results. In addition to high quality video content and hands-on labs you will have access to subject matter experts to ask questions for feedback and support.
Git is a distributed source control system with growing popularity among software developers. Part of that popularity can be attributed to its powerful support for branching and merging.
One drawback to adopting Git is the relatively steep learning curve. The reason for that steep learning curve is that Git works differently than most other source control systems. Without understanding how Git works, the commands and behaviors can seem enigmatic. That’s why this course focuses on not only how to perform common tasks, but also how to understand what Git is doing.
The work of this course is performed on the command line interface. While there are a number of graphical tools available, none of them supports all the features of the command line. And all of the UI clients hide some of the details that, when you are first getting started, help you understand how Git works.
Once you understand how Git works, you will be better able to use the graphical Git clients.This course will help you get started using Git.
This online learning event is comprised of Articles to read, Labs to participate in, Videos to watch and all the time you have access to Mentors that will help you better understand Git. We estimate that the learning event will take you around 9 1/4hrs to complete

Use Git from the command line interface
Share source control files with team members
Use Git branching and merging to manage separate threads of development

Software Development

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

25 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
This online event is aimed at software developers who will be using Git for source control

Conocimientos requeridos
The following Pre-requisite knolwged is required:
An understanding of the role of source control in the software development process
The online event consists of the following content:
Install the Git tools – 46 minutes 7 Activities: Article (2) | Lab (2) | Video (3)
Clone an existing repository – 52 minutes 6 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (1) | Video (2)
Add files to a repository – 1 hours 16 minutes 9 Activities: Article (5) | Lab (2) | Video (2)
Edit files in a Git repository – 2 hours 1 minutes 9 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (2) | Video (4)
Create and merge branches – 1 hours 39 minutes 9 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (3) | Video (3)
Rewrite history in a Git repository – 1 hours 23 minutes 9 Activities: Article (3) | Lab (3) | Video (3)
Resolve merge conflicts – 1 hours 18 minutes 9 Activities: Article (4) | Lab (2) | Video (3)
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