Delivering Hybrid IT with Cloud Center
Delivering Hybrid IT with Cisco CloudCenter is a three-day course in which participants learn how to use Cisco CloudCenter to securely deploy and manage applications in multiple data center, private cloud and public cloud environments. Through expert instruction and extensive hands-on learning, participants use key CloudCenter features to modernize and automate data centers or add public cloud application deployment to service offerings. This course covers CloudCenter architecture; administrative capabilities, such as cloud management, multitenancy, governance, and policy enforcement; application modeling; and CloudCenter integration with Cisco UCS Director, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), and private and public clouds.

Understand CloudCenter Architecture
Understand Cisco CloudCenter administrative capabitllities, such as cloud management, multitenancy, governance and policy enforcement
Understand Cisco CloudCenter Application Modeling
Understand Cisco CloudCenter integration with Cisco UCS Director, Cisco ACI and private and public clouds

A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
Engineers using Cisco CloudCenter to deploy and manage applications in multiple data center, private cloud and public cloud deployments.

Conocimientos requeridos
Attendees should meet the following pre-requsites:
Datacenter experience
Operating systems and virtualization experience
Understanding of server system design and architecture
Familiarity with cloud concepts and n-tier application designing – CLDFND and CLDAUT Recommended
Familiarity with Cisco UCS, networking and storage concepts – DCICN, DCICT and DCUCI Recommended
Day One
Section 1: Understanding Status Quo
Section 2: Understanding Cloud Readiness
Section 3: Introducing Cisco Cloud Center
Section 4: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center Design
Section 5: Understaning Cisco Cloud Center GUI
Section 6: Introducing Cisco Cloud Center Repositories
Section 7: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center Delployment Environment
Section 8: Mapping Images in Cisco Cloud Center
Section 9: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center Usage and Fee Structure
Section 10: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center User Administration
Day Two
Section 11: Introducing Cisco Cloud Center Applications
Section 12: Understanding Cisco Cloud Cloud Application Modeling
Section 13: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center Application Runtime Management
Section 14: Introducing Cisco CloudCenter Application Deployment Parameters
Section 15: Indroducing Cisco Cloud Center Advanced Parameters
Section 16: Understanding Cisco Cloud Center Application Deployment Lifecycle
Section 17: Introducing Cisco Cloud Center Services
Section 18: Deploying Applications in Cisco Cloud Center Hybrid Cloud
Section 19: Integrating Cisco Cloud Center – Cisco ACI
Section 20: Integrating Cisco Cloud Center – Cisco UCS Director
Day Three
Section 21: Introducing Cisco CloudCenter Application Management
Section 22: Benchmarking Application in Cisco CloudCenter
Section 23: Scheduling Application in Cisco CloudCenter
Section 24: Sharing Application in Cisco CloudCenter
Section 25: Introducing Cisco CloudCenter Marketplace
Section 26: Understanding Cisco CloudCenter CICD
Section 27: Understanding Cisco CloudCenter Policies
Section 28: Introducing Cisco CloudCenter Governance
Discovery 1: Introduction to Cisco CloudCenter GUI
Discovery 2: Create CloudCenter Repository
Discovery 3: Create Deployment Environment
Discovery 4: Create Images in Cisco CloudCenter
Discovery 5: Create Contracts, Bundles, and Usage Plans
Discovery 6: Create Users
Discovery 7: Create Sub Tenant
Discovery 8: Model and Deploy Two-Tier WordPress Application
Discovery 9: Model and Deploy Multi-Tier RollerBlog Application
Discovery 10: Terminate, Suspend, and Resume Applications
Discovery 11: Create User-Defined Parameters
Discovery 12: Explore Userenv File
Discovery 13: Custom Service
Discovery 14: Deploy Application in Hybrid Cloud
Discovery 15: Application Benchmark
Discovery 16: Schedule Application
Discovery 17: Share Applications
Discovery 18: Publish Applications in Marketplace
Discovery 19: CICD Project Board
Discovery 20: Manage Policies
Discovery 21: Tags and Governance
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