DB2 11 for z/OS Implementation Workshop
This course is for installers of DB2 10 z/OS and/or migration to DB2 11 for z/OS using the Install CLIST. The participants are involved in lectures that explain DB2 11 components and pointers, and the processes used to install or migrate from DB2 10 for z/OS. To reinforce the lectures, a series of labs are provided to give each participant hands-on experience installing DB2 10 for z/OS and migrating to DB2 11 for z/OS.
Students access a mainframe environment for the labs.
Learning Journeys or Training Paths that reference this course:
Db2 for z/OS – Role: System Administrator

Prepare z/OS TSO environment to run the Install CLIST
Provide appropriate parameters for the Install CLIST
Execute the Install CLIST
Define DB2 10 for z/OS
Define VSAM catalog and alias
Define system data sets and databases
Initialize system data sets and databases
Define DB2 10 for z/OS initialization parameters
Define user authorization exits
Record DB2 11 for z/OS data to SMF
Establish subsystem security
Verify the DB2 10 for z/OS installation
Update subsystem parameters
Create a new subsystem parameter module
Migrate DB2 10 for z/OS to DB2 11 for z/OS Conversion Mode
Enable DB2 11 for z/OS New Function Mode
Verify migration
Convert the BSDS and Catalog/Directory to 10-byte RBA and LRSN usage

Administración y programación bases de datos

Disponible en formato e-learning

Disponible en formato presencial

Disponible en formato a distancia

Subvención disponible
A través de Fundae, cumpliendo requisitos.

25 horas
- Dificultad 50%
- Nivel alcanzado 80%

Dirigido a
Anyone responsible for maintaining, installing or migrating DB2 10 for z/OS to DB2 11 for z/OS, or installing DB2 11 for z/OS.

Conocimientos requeridos
The following prerequisites are suggested:
The basic concepts and facilities of DB2
The basic concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL)
z/OS Time Sharing Option (TSO) and the z/OS interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
Course CV832 Database Administration Part I or equivalent Work experience in a z/OS environment
Course CV852 System Administration or equivalent
Work experience in a z/OS environment
Defining and allocating z/OS data sets using z/OS job control language (JCL) or equivalent experience.
Installation preparation for DB2 10 for z/OS
Installation CLIST
Installing the DB2 10 subsystem
Verification of DB2 10 with the sample applications
Performing parameter update
Migrating to DB2 11 conversion mode
DB2 10 enabling-new-function and new-function modes
Verification of DB2 11 with the sample applications
10-byte RBA and LRSN (new)
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